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Grace 's tour

时间:2017年07月10日 作者:

姓名:Grace Yang



本人2013年至今,利用假期时间赴美国旅游考察,了解美国西部文化与风土人情,提升自身英语口语。在美国考察期间,陆续访问了美国中西部10多个州,涵盖美国三分之一领土。著名的城市有加州洛杉矶、旧金山、硅谷、圣地亚哥、圣巴巴拉等城市、内华达州全球著名赌城拉斯维加斯、大峡谷风貌的亚利桑那州、犹他州的盐湖城、科罗拉多州的丹佛等,著名的学府有斯坦福大学、加州大学洛杉矶分校、Pasadena 城市学院等涵盖各个层次的高校。旅途中最令人难忘的不仅是北美的人文景观文化、浸入式美语而且还有北美的自然风光,如美轮美奂的黄石国家公园。期间收获满满。此行不仅能将所学学以致用而且对我们本科英语课堂教学有着重要意义。

I visited United States several times during my vacations. This is a good opportunity to get familiar with the culture in western United States and promote my spoken English. I traveled more than 10 midwest states which covered one third of American territory. Some famous cities are Los Angeles, San Francisco, Silicon Valley(intel)San Diego, San Barbara in California, Las Vegas in Nevada, Grand Canyon in Arizona, Salt Lake City in Utah, Denver in Colorado and so on. Some famous universities are Stanford University, UCLA, Pasadena City College and so oncovering universities of all kinds of level. Which impressed me most are not only the humanity culture and the English immersion but also the beautiful scenery in midwest America such as Yellowstone National Park. I gain a lot from this tour. It 's also of great importance to our English teaching in the class.











旧金山市政厅、拉斯维加斯夜景、洛杉矶天文台Griffith Observatory、Getty center 艺术中心等

上一条:Report on the Trip to the US 下一条:A Trip to Hiwassee College
